Of man & woman

There are many analogies that relationships attract. Given my current state of mind, I’d compare it with a couple giving birth to a child. Lets go back to the very beginning – it does take two to tango, jive , hopak (traditional dance of Ukraine, if I may :)). No matter what your beats are, the result is simply breathtaking as you hold that 3 kilo bundle of your own heart in your arms.

Such is the beginning of a relationship as well. You put in your all, to know the other person and once you are convinced that this is what you want for the rest of your life.. you begin caring and nurturing it at every step of the way.. Just like you do with your own child.

“The teenage years are sure to be the mid life crisis men and women face, eh sweetie? The tantrums and the peace negotiations, the ‘give me my space’ rule, the pretentious vanity –  to name a few!”

Without even looking up, I am smirking and saying, “You’re playing with fire, my dear… perhaps you need to rephrase!”

And its that simple, there is no need to raise the decibel of your voice and neither is there need to take the man to the guillotine for his choice of careless vocabulary… (prentious vanity, my A$#!! –  yeah!! It did register but I ain’t gonna delve further)

Somewhere I’ve grown to believe that men, no matter how grey there are in number, they will forever, remain boys! – Impish ones at that. It’s a design defect, and its one that no one on earth can stand to confront for the creator himself or herself has chosen to remain invisible!! (needless to say, my first guess is that the creator would be a ……. :))

Can’t say if men are from mars and women from venus.. but one thing is for sure.. wherever they are from, they’ve decided to call earth home! This is where they’ve chosen to live, as one. Happiness indeed is in the choice of planetary position!!

A masterpiece isn’t created overnight.. it takes a lot of work and consistency to get it right.. Sometimes, the colours just blend in and it happens sooner than later. For others, it takes up a few canvasses to realize. The timing doesn’t really matter, what matters is that when you finally churn out a masterpiece, what does it do to you inside. Does it make you happy? Or does it leave you frustrated wanting to keep trying? Do you find faults where there are none or do you accept those flaws as a minor streak and move on?

“The truth is that every relationship has it in them to be perfect, if only both are wiling to chose laughter over taunts. When you step a little way and look at your life from a distance.. you notice that the pieces of the  puzzle fit in better. Likewise with a teenager, the moment you give them the space they feel they need… they turn  around.

“Walk away, if you need to..

Its ok, if you want to,

You can run but you can never hide

From the shadow that’s creeping up inside you

There’s a magic running through your soul

And you can have it all..

Wherever you go, I’ll be there to remind you, that

It only takes a minute of your precious time..

To, turn around.. I’ll be two steps behind!”

Yes, we are waltzing and will get onto the foxtrot as soon as my dear mush magnet evolves!

Make your relationship the greatest story you’d ever read to your grandkids. Like every story told, there will be love, there will be jealousy and there will be a climax…

“Speaking of climax, I’m thinking the foxtrot or the flamenco could be put on hold. Maybe we should work on the climax of our story, my love!” says the man of our home!

As I mentioned above :), men will always be boys! Its best to enjoy them the way they were designed and have them value women for the way we were. There is no competition here. It’s a way of life. You can chose to enjoy it to its climax or you can chose to rewrite it with negativity. The choice is always yours, as happiness is a state of your own mind.

A few minutes of Def Leppard’s classic seems most appropriate as I sign off for thisSunday. 🙂  https://youtu.be/hey0FzdUNA8




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